Religion in Austria

Christianity is the predominant religion in Austria. At the 2001 census, 73.6% of the country’s population was Roman Catholic. As of 2015, the number of Catholics has dropped to 59.9% ofreligion the population. There is a much smaller group of Evangelicals, totaling about 4.7% of the population in 2001, 3.5% in 2015. Since the 2001 census, these two historically dominant religious groups in Austria recorded losses in the number of adherents. The Roman Catholic Church reported a drop of ~13%, the Evangelical Churches of ~1%.

In contrast, due to immigration the number of Muslims in Austria has increased sharply in recent years, with 4.2% of the population calling themselves Muslim in 2001, up to around 5% to 6.2% in 2010, and to 7% in 2015-2016. Orthodox churches have also grown to represent up to 6% of the population. Both the communities are represented by recent immigrants, especially from Turkey and the Balkans. There are also minor communities of Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jews, and other religions in Austria.


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